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Multi-Tier Forex Partner Programs

Multi-Tier Forex Partner Programs




The partner program for forex earnings implies not only participation of first-level referrals, that is, those referrals who registered directly after clicking on the corresponding link from a certain site, but also referrals of subsequent levels following the links of first-level referrals. Most often, they simply do not notice that it is not quite fair: the referral partner in any case acts as a generator of additional sales carried out by the newly attracted referrals, therefore, has the right to receive a commission from the sales of each referral. Participating in multi-level partner programs eliminates this injustice.

Profitable forex trading would not be possible for many traders, or their currency turnover would be much lower without such partnership programs. The principle of operation of such programs is very simple: each your referral (partner) continues to increase your profit, attracting, in turn, additional referrals, and the more you attract referrals, the more you earn.


Take at least the following example:

- Suppose you attract four first-level referrals (partners). They bring you 50% of the spread;

- One of them attracts four other partners who bring you 10% of the spread;

- One of these partners again attracts four more, from which you get 4% of the spread, etc.


As a result, you receive 50% 10% 4% of the spread, and then your profit is increased, especially compared to the profit earned from regular purchases/sales of one referral. Considering that, as a rule, from one such partner of the first level you receive 10% of the commission, from one partner of the second level - 5% of the commission, and the amount of remuneration accrued automatically, since the partner received the bonus, is not limited to anything, the benefits of partner programs are obvious. However, trading on forex will go to the second place in this case, and on the first will come business - after all partners will need to attract and hold.


So I would not advise you to use such programs as the main source of income if you want to succeed in trading. Especially since if everyone throws all their forces on their creation, no one will profit. Perhaps they should take away the role of additional earnings.


If you want to participate in the partner program, you will need to:

- Registration on the corresponding ribate-service in a free personal office,

- Visit the partnership section where the reference is located,

- Posting of the received link on popular sites, blogs or social networks,

- Direct receipt of partnership reward.


And every client involved, making five deals in one lot, will bring you income in excess of $100 a month.



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