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6 cryptocurrency trends in 2019

6 cryptocurrency trends in 2019


1. Increased demand for security tokens (STOs)
Over the past couple of years, many institutional investors have fallen for the ICO. In anticipation of profit with several Xs (x2 - double profit, x10 - tenfold), people all over the planet transferred their funds to the developers of the project. Many of which turned out to be scammers. Or by amateurs who are not able to support the development of altcoin and deal with chain problems. But ICO (Initial Coin Offering) and IPO (Initial Public Offering) are not the only way to invest in digital currency.

In 2019, STO sparked general interest. Security Tokens (Offering Security Tokens) are able to attract new, more pragmatic investors. STOs should also encourage financial regulators to accept cryptocurrency in general.

Unlike ICOs, STOs are linked to real securities issued in the form of tokens. Sometimes it can even be a kind of digital share in the assets of the enterprise.

Differences between STO and ICO: they are supported by dividends, company shares or other investor privileges. STOs are regulated by government securities commissions.

Over the past year and a half, the issue of investment security has become the main issue in the cryptocurrency market. In this connection, many rely on the complete crowding out of ICOs and their replacement with security tokens.

2. Growing interest in Ripple
The Ripple development team continues to actively develop its successful project. Roughly speaking, XRP is a payment system that can be used in international banking and other economic activities. In addition, this hybrid of cryptocurrency and payment system does not require verification by third parties, which allows simplifying and speed up peer-to-peer transactions.

Further development of the products of the Ripple project, such as xRapid and RippleNet, will play a key role in assessing its value throughout 2019. Presumably, the demand for XRP should increase, which will make it one of the most investment-attractive coins this year.

3. The increase in the number of teaching aids on crypto trading
The more educated crypto investors become, the more long-term and successful their investments will become. Currently, there are more and more online courses, webinars and seminars on teaching strategies and techniques for buying and selling crypto assets.

Unlike last year, experts became more restrained and conservative. In addition to technical analysis (which in cryptocurrency does not play such a significant role, as they tried to prove to us), young investors and traders are taught the competent choice of trading tools and compiling a balanced portfolio.

We can expect this trend to continue in 2019: an increase in the number of interactive training platforms, the growth of online communities of both individual projects and the cryptocurrency in general, the creation of new mobile trading platforms.

4. Decrease in cryptocurrency market volatility
The BTC / USDT chart for 2017 resembled a cardiogram. After a deafening dump, incredible growth followed, which was soon replaced by another throw into the abyss .. 2018 brought the market an awareness of the real value of assets.

This year we can expect mainly lateral movement. This trend will be characteristic of most coins. Those who expect a repeat of 2017 hype are unlikely to be happy with the results of 2019. The market has now become more stable and conservative.

5. Strengthening the position of stable coins
Stablecoins are digital coins that are provided with a fiat or other real equivalent in the ratio of 1 to 1. They can be used as a tool for fixing the value of assets. For example, for overexposure during a period of high volatility and uncertainty in the crypto market.

Although stable coins are not cryptocurrencies in their essence, they become a connecting bridge between fiat (real money) and digital currency.

6. Increased investment in blockchain technology
Currently, large companies do not have enough of the tools with which the majority of altcoins are created and maintained. The security of wallets, networks, pools, etc. is seriously tested. In order to create a high-quality competitive and promising crypto project, it is necessary to invest in the long-term development of blockchain technology.

Given the general interest in the blockchain, we can expect the early emergence of new hybrid technologies, characterized by increased requirements for regulation, protection, and transparency of transactions.



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